Discovering, Nurturing, and Sustaining a relationship with the Holy
2025 Great Plains Five Day Academy for Spiritual Formation
will be held on May 4 through 9, 2025
Attend virtually via Zoom or in-person at the St. Benedict Center near Schuyler, Nebraska.
The theme of the event is:
“Eyes to see and ears to hear -
Attentiveness to the Wor[l]d”
The presenters will be Dr. Amy Oden and Rev. Juan Carlos Huertas. Dr. Oden has been on the faculties of Oklahoma City University, Saint Paul School of Theology and Wesley Theological Seminary. Rev. Huertas is Minister of Proclamation and Practice of Justice at First Plymouth Congregational Church in Lincoln, Nebraska.
To see more information about the Academy model and the theme of this 5 Day Academy, click here.
To see more information about registration and cost, click here.
The Great Plains Five Day Academy for Spiritual Formation has the following date scheduled for the future:
2026 - April 12 through 17
The retreat will be held at the St. Benedict Center near Schuyler, Nebraska.
Other Opportunities from the The Upper Room®
The Upper Room® authorizes other 5 Day Academies around the country as well as longer-term communities for spiritual formation which can be found on the Upper Room Academy website. These include the Two Year Academy and a new, hybrid model called Spirituality in Practice. This model will be composed of 3 sessions in person and 3 sessions online over 18 months. The gatherings will begin on Friday evenings and end the following Wednesday noon. The theme is “Embodied Imagination for Life and Liberation” and will focus on integrating spirituality into everyday life.
Most photography provided by jamesAnn Photography LLC